
Mayor Bowser to Highlight Pathways to Health Careers During Mayor Marion S. Barry Summer Youth Employment Program Launch

Sunday, January 21, 2024

(Washington, DC) – On Monday, January 22 at 11 am, Mayor Muriel Bowser and the Department of Employment Services (DOES) will kick off the 2024 Mayor Marion S. Barry Summer Youth Employment Program (MBSYEP) at the Centers of Excellence at Howard University. Applications for MBSYEP open at noon on Monday.

Participants from the Young Doctors Project will speak about their experience preparing for careers in health care during MBSYEP. The Young Doctors Project has been an MBSYEP partner for 10 years and has hosted 60 MBSYEP participants. Youth who participate receive a year of medical training in preventive medicine, mental health, and health issues in underserved communities. Young Doctors has created a pipeline to health careers for adolescent boys of color in DC, with a particular emphasis on youth living East of the River.

For over four decades, MBSYEP has employed thousands of District youth in summer jobs that provide them with both income and critical work experience. DOES administers the MBSYEP and encourages District residents ages 14-24 and host employer organizations to apply.  
Monday, January 22 at 11 am  
Mayor Muriel Bowser
Dr. Unique Morris-Hughes, Department of Employment Services
Anita L.A. Jenkins, CEO, Howard University Hospital
Roger A. Mitchell, Jr. MD, Chair of Pathology, Howard University College of Medicine 
Dr. Malcolm Woodland, Co-Founder and Director, Young Doctors DC
Mychael Brown, 2023 MBSYEP Participant
Centers of Excellence
2301 Georgia Avenue NW
*Closest Bus Routes: D8, G8, P6 Bus Lines*
*Closest Bikeshare: Rhode Island Avenue & V Street NE*

Press interested in attending the event are asked to RSVP to press@dc.gov.  
The DC Office of Cable Television, Film, Music, and Entertainment will provide a live feed of this event. To view the event, visit mayor.dc.gov/live, tune in on Channel 16 (DCN) or watch on Mayor Bowser’s Facebook or X.  

Mayor Bowser X: @MayorBowser
Mayor Bowser Instagram: @Mayor_Bowser
Mayor Bowser Facebook: facebook.com/MayorMurielBowser
Mayor Bowser YouTube: https://www.bit.ly/eomvideos