
Mayor Bowser Celebrates National Read a Book Day

Wednesday, September 6, 2023
During National Library Card Sign-Up Month, Students and Families Encouraged to Explore DC Public Library Resources

(WASHINGTON, DC) – Today, Mayor Muriel Bowser joined students and educators to celebrate National Read a Book Day with a visit to Friendship Ideal Elementary and Middle School in Ward 4. During the visit, the Mayor participated in a second-grade story time and encouraged students to take advantage of DC Public Library (DCPL) resources.


“We want our students to have every opportunity to not only learn to read, but to love reading,” said Mayor Bowser. “Our 26 public libraries, and the people who work in them, are a tremendous resource to our city and our students. We want our kids to have and use their library cards, and we want families exploring all the free programs we have to support learning at school and at home.”


This celebration comes as the Bowser Administration continues to invest in literacy support for students, educators, and residents through the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), including $16 million in grants from the Comprehensive Literacy State Development program to expand access to and adoption of evidence-based literacy trainings for educators and $16.8 million for high-impact tutoring in literacy for over 7,600 students.


“Literacy is the foundation of all academic skills – when our students become competent, confident and joyful readers, they are able to access the world around them in meaningful ways,” said State Superintendent of Education Dr. Christina Grant. “Literacy skills are critical to student success across subject areas, and it is so important that our educators are well supported in providing them with evidence-based instruction.”


In addition to the investments from OSSE, DCPL programming at 26 libraries across all eight wards has continued to provide vital literacy support and resources for students, families, and residents. Programs that support early literacy include:


  • The Sing, Talk & Read (STAR) Books from Birth program, which mails quality children’s books each month to every District child under 5, and
  • Beyond the Book, a literacy program that focuses on building a love of reading in children from kindergarten to third grade through engaging educational activities and library events focused on a selected book each quarter.


Families are encouraged to explore these programs and all the DC Public Library has to offer, including homework help, by visiting dclibrary.org.


September is also National Library Card Sign-Up Month. Anyone who lives, works, pays property taxes or attends school in the District is eligible to get a card, without worry of fines or fees. Visit a library or go to dclibrary.org/get-a-card to get yours today.