
Mayor Bowser and DC Public Schools Celebrate First Day of Summer Bridge Program

Monday, August 7, 2023

(Washington, DC) – Today, Mayor Muriel Bowser and DC Public Schools (DCPS) Chancellor Dr. Lewis D. Ferebee welcome rising 6th and 9th graders to their new middle and high school campuses for a week of Summer Bridge programming. Summer Bridge allows students to explore their new buildings, meet classmates, teachers, and school staff, and build important skills as they prepare for the year ahead.

“A smooth transition into 6th and 9th grade puts students on a strong path to success in middle school, high school, and beyond,” said Mayor Bowser. “Summer Bridge helps ease anxieties around entering a new school and allows families to establish relationships with the school ahead of day one. Our school leaders are excited to host their incoming students for Summer Bridge, and we’re grateful for all the hard work DCPS teachers and staff put into making the programs fun, engaging, and meaningful.”

In schools across the District, students will come together throughout the week to begin developing a shared understanding of each other and their new schools. Staff will lead students in a variety of activities such as team building games, scavenger hunts to get to know their new spaces, excursions and field trips, creative projects, and performances and presentations about what they can expect from their middle and high school experiences.

“When students arrive for the first day of school in just a few weeks on August 28th, they’ll already have a few friends and an idea of where to go and who they can ask for help,” said Chancellor Ferebee. “This summer touchpoint goes a long way for establishing comfort and building their confidence for this next leg of their educational journey.”

While programming dates and hours vary by school with each school leader setting a schedule that is responsive to their community’s needs, all DCPS middle schools and high schools participate in this unique opportunity to support these critical student transitions.

Dedicated bus transportation is provided to eligible students, and students around the city attending Summer Bridge can use their Kids Ride Free cards to travel to and from school. Free breakfast and lunch are also provided for all students.

As the first day of school approaches, all families who have yet to complete enrollment for School year 2023-2024 are encouraged to visit enrolldcps.dc.gov for enrollment information and guidance.